Friday, August 22, 2014

We went down to the sea ..


Oh, the sea,
the sea,
the sound of the sea,
the sight of the glistening sea.
the smell,
oh, that smell,
the smell of my sea,
the smell, of my seaweed sea.

I feel my sea,
my blue green sea,
I hear my seaweed sea.
I scan my emerald sea,
my frothy foamy sea,
again I smell,
that smell,
that smell of my seaweed sea.

© Megan Sampson Sept 1998
2nd stanza Aug 2014

Thursday, August 21, 2014

"I shine not burn"
Mackenzie clan motto. (C M Sampson 2014)

My Blood Blots

Let my blood-blots
of red blood fall.
Let them stay where they lay.
as a sign to all.

That red blood was shed
t'was not wasted or lost.
red blood -blots are
the righteous cost.

When your death comes,
let it shine out bright,
let it show life spent,
in a fight for right.